“I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.” –Andy Warhol

Looking to buy or sell a Business, Residential or Commercial Real Estate?
Zengen Real Estate is a local Dutchess County based real estate firm focused on Residential & Commercial Real Estate in Dutchess, Ulster, Orange, Westchester, Rockland, Columbia & surrounding counties while working with our business brokerage, Hudson Valley Business Brokers, specializing in business sales, marketing & consulting from NYC to Albany.
Whether you are looking to buy or sell, Zengen Real Estate has you covered. Give us a call 845-224-8005 if you are thinking of moving into the beautiful Northern Dutchess County area!
CLICK HERE: www.ZengenRealEstate.com
If you are a local business owner in Pine Plains or the surrounding areas, gives us a call to discuss running a DISPLAY AD on this website among the beautiful Stissing Mountain scenes!